A Short funny story for adults - Trivia Quiz

A Short funny story for adults

  A Short funny story for adults

Once upon a time in a small town, there was a notorious prankster named Tom. He was always up to some mischief and loved playing practical jokes on his friends. One day, he came up with a brilliant idea to prank his best friend, Jack.

Tom decided to pretend to be a fortune teller and set up a makeshift fortune-telling booth in his backyard. He dressed up in a flowing robe, adorned with colorful scarves and a crystal ball. With a mischievous grin on his face, he waited for Jack to arrive.

As Jack approached the backyard, Tom put on his most mystical voice and called out, "Step right up, Jack! Discover your destiny with a glimpse into the future."

Intrigued, Jack walked towards the booth and sat down, curious to see what Tom had in store for him. Tom began staring intently into the crystal ball, his face full of concentration.

After a few moments, Tom dramatically gasped and said, "Jack, I see something in your future! You will become incredibly wealthy and famous!"

Jack's eyes widened with excitement. He couldn't believe his luck. "Really, Tom? That's amazing! How will I achieve this wealth and fame?"

Tom leaned forward, his expression serious, and said, "You will invent a revolutionary product that will change the world. People will line up to buy it, and you'll be swimming in money!"

Jack's imagination ran wild with possibilities. He started picturing himself as the next tech billionaire, living a life of luxury and success. He couldn't contain his excitement and eagerly asked, "Tom, tell me, what is this revolutionary product that I'll invent?"

With a mischievous twinkle in his eye, Tom replied, "Toilet paper with built-in Wi-Fi!"

Jack burst into laughter, realizing he had fallen for yet another one of Tom's pranks. He couldn't help but admire his friend's creativity. Despite being fooled, Jack joined in on the laughter and playfully punched Tom on the shoulder.

They both laughed and spent the rest of the day joking and pulling pranks on each other, enjoying their lighthearted friendship.

And so, the tale of the prankster and the prank victim continues, with Tom always ready to surprise Jack with his ingenious jokes, ensuring their bond remains strong and their lives filled with laughter.

The end.

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